Scaping a shallow tank

Video – Scaping a shallow tank – aquaterrarium style

A shallow tank almost begs to be scaped in a aquaterrarium style – combining different underwater plants and floaters with common houseplants above the surface. In this video we show how this tank was scaped initially and how it gradually has changed over a period of 3 years. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for watching. […]

Duckweed in aquarium

Video – Easiest way to remove duckweed – aquarium DIY tip

Video – Easiest way to remove duckweed – aquarium DIY tip Ok. Every lifeform has a place in nature. Even duckweed ;0) But when this little pest totally take control over your planted tank – and turn your beautiful floating plants into a messy mat of greenish nondescript slime, they need to be controlled. If […]

Golden Wonder Killifish - Aplochelius Lineatus

Killifish – mythbusting… and reasons why you should keep these small juvels

Killifish – mythbusting… and reasons why you should keep these small juvels. Killifish are an interesting group of small to medium sized fish – that live in a diversity of biotopes across the globe. Even though these fish are among the most colourful of all freshwater fish – they have never really reached the same […]

Aphyosemion striatum 5 die hard myths on killifish

Video – Myth busting – 5 die hard myths on killifish

Today I take a look on 5 die hard myths on killifish, do some myth busting… and explain why I think killifish are for everyone… including you :0) Killifish are an interesting group of small to medium sized fish – that live in a diversity of biotopes across the globe. Even though these fish are […]

Fundulopanchax gardneri

Fundulopanchax gardneri – your best entry into killi breeding

Fundulopanchax gardneri – your best entry into killi breeding This wonderful medium sized killifish has been in my aquariums for decades, and it still fascinates and amazes me. It has a personality of its own, always curious, hungry and active. And it is never shy, but comes to the front of the tanks, whenever I […]

Video – Aphyosemion australe (hjerreseni) – the Golden Lyretail Killifish

Storytelling time. It’s about the Aphyosemion australe (hjerreseni) – the Golden Lyretail Killifish. In today’s video I take you back to 1921 when Rachow described the natural form of the Aphyosemion australe, a fish discovered in rivers and ponds in a coastal strip between Congo and Gabon in Africa. After that we take a look […]

Cherry Barbs

Video – Puntius titteya – Cherry Barb – new fish moving in

Ever wondered why red fish looks so great in a densely planted tank? Well, there is a scientific explanation. Get the answer, and enjoy a shoal of young Cherry Barbs as they arrive in a brand new aquarium, scaped specially for them . The Cherry Barb is one of our favourite barbs, but it is […]

Video – Austrolebias nigripinnis – Argentine Pearl Killifish

Austrolebias nigripinnis – also known as Argentine Pearl Killifish or Blackfin Pearlfish This beautiful fish was one of the pioneers of the aquarium hobby. It was discovered in the early 1900’s in temporary ponds on the Argentine pampas northwest of Buenos Aires. It was scientifically described by Regan in 1912. At first it was named […]

Odessa barbs

Video – Pethia padamya – Odessa Barb – new fish moving in

New arrival at the fish room. A shoal of young Odessa Barbs (Pethia padamya) is introduced to a tank we’ve prepared for them. The tank has a lot of plants (like all our tanks), but there is plenty of room for swimming at the front. It’s so cool to see these curious barbs exploring their […]