Scaping a shallow tank

Video – Scaping a shallow tank – aquaterrarium style

A shallow tank almost begs to be scaped in a aquaterrarium style – combining different underwater plants and floaters with common houseplants above the surface. In this video we show how this tank was scaped initially and how it gradually has changed over a period of 3 years. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for watching. […]

Duckweed in aquarium

Video – Easiest way to remove duckweed – aquarium DIY tip

Video – Easiest way to remove duckweed – aquarium DIY tip Ok. Every lifeform has a place in nature. Even duckweed ;0) But when this little pest totally take control over your planted tank – and turn your beautiful floating plants into a messy mat of greenish nondescript slime, they need to be controlled. If […]