Scaping a shallow tank

Video – Scaping a shallow tank – aquaterrarium style

A shallow tank almost begs to be scaped in a aquaterrarium style – combining different underwater plants and floaters with common houseplants above the surface. In this video we show how this tank was scaped initially and how it gradually has changed over a period of 3 years. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for watching. […]

A shoal of Cherry Barbs

Video – Welcome to our aquarium room 2022

Welcome to our aquarium room If you are interested in planted tanks, aquascapes, beautiful small to medium sized aquarium fish, shrimps, live fish food, fish breeding and healthy growing aquarium plants … Well, then we already have a lot of films for you on this channel – and many more are in the making. Hit […]

Welcome to my Aquarium Room

Video – Welcome to my aquarium room (old channel trailer)

Welcome to my aquarium room If you are interested in planted tanks, cool nanotank aquascapes, beautiful small to medium sized aquarium fish, shrimps, live fish food, fish breeding and healthy growing aquarium plants … Well, then I already have a lot of films for you on this channel – and many more are in the […]

Nano Tank Aquascape - Mossy Wood

Video – Nano Tank Aquascape – Mossy Wood

Step-by-step tutorial showing how to turn a 13,4 l tank into a mossy jungle aquascape. After circling the tank will be stocked with some Ramshorn snails, a few Red Cherry Shrimps and some small fish – probably rasboras of some kind. Updates on the progress will follow in future videos. Make sure to subscribe (on […]