Golden Wonder Killifish - Aplochelius Lineatus

Killifish – mythbusting… and reasons why you should keep these small juvels

Killifish – mythbusting… and reasons why you should keep these small juvels. Killifish are an interesting group of small to medium sized fish – that live in a diversity of biotopes across the globe. Even though these fish are among the most colourful of all freshwater fish – they have never really reached the same […]

Aphyosemion striatum 5 die hard myths on killifish

Video – Myth busting – 5 die hard myths on killifish

Today I take a look on 5 die hard myths on killifish, do some myth busting… and explain why I think killifish are for everyone… including you :0) Killifish are an interesting group of small to medium sized fish – that live in a diversity of biotopes across the globe. Even though these fish are […]

Video – Aphyosemion australe (hjerreseni) – the Golden Lyretail Killifish

Storytelling time. It’s about the Aphyosemion australe (hjerreseni) – the Golden Lyretail Killifish. In today’s video I take you back to 1921 when Rachow described the natural form of the Aphyosemion australe, a fish discovered in rivers and ponds in a coastal strip between Congo and Gabon in Africa. After that we take a look […]